
On Jan 11, 2008 3:50 AM, Enrico Minack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > +--------------------------------------------------------+
> > > |                                                        |
> > > |      [Icon Docs]   [Icon EMails]  [Icon Images]        |
> > > |       (3 hits)       (20 hits)     (124 hits)          |
> > > |                                                        |
> > > +--------------------------------------------------------+
> > I think shortcuts like these are a good idea, but not at the expense
> > of showing any items at all.  You would effectively be adding an extra
> > click for every search, and the tradeoff would be sometimes not
> > needing to scroll.
> >
> > So basically what I'm saying is that I like the idea, but we shouldn't
> > *require* clickthrough to get at the results.
> right, I agree.
> What if those icons above are just added to the current beagle-search UI
> at the top of the results. It gives a quick overview, but all results
> are shown below as they are now. By clicking on a icon, the result list
> jumps down to the respective group. The user does not need to scroll,
> and scrolling is more effort than one click ;-)

Yes, exactly what I had in mind. :)

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