Using the python bindings for beagle version 0.3.2 I am getting the
following property list for an mp3 hit.  Should I be seeing some
properties here for Artist name, Song title, and Album?  Also, I am
confused as to why it is reporting video as opposed to audio.  Any

Key: beagle:ExactFilename Value: 04_The Beatles_I Want To Hold Your Hand.mp3

Key: beagle:FileType Value: video

Key: beagle:Filename Value: 04_The Beatles_I Want To Hold Your Hand

Key: beagle:FilenameExtension Value: .mp3

Key: beagle:HitType Value: File

Key: beagle:InternalUri Value: uid:u_ZOh8xm00uIuhkYVZWjng

Key: beagle:IsChild Value: false

Key: beagle:MimeType Value: audio/mpeg

Key: beagle:NoPunctFilename Value: 04 The Beatles I Want To Hold Your Hand

Key: beagle:Source Value: Files

Key: beagle:SplitFilename Value: 04 The Beatles I Want To Hold Your Hand

Key: fixme:filesize Value: 3534848
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