So I am testing this brute forced method out right now:

I am not proposing that this is the correct way to go, but at first
glance it gave me a hook for testing.

The SQL traffic is so different using this patch that I am blown away.
It's amazing really, my dm-sweatshop script is now 90% INSERT and
UPDATE with very few SELECTs.

Anyway, food for thought. Anyone know where the correct place to hook
into the validations might be?

On Nov 7, 10:17 pm, "Dan Kubb (dkubb)" <> wrote:
> myobie,
> > I am seeing a lot of SQL traffic in my logs dealing with validating
> > over and over again on the same objects.
> This is something I recommend everyone do.  Turn on your logs, watch
> what happens for specific actions, and make not of anything that seems
> unnecessary.  While developing DM we always try to ensure minimal work
> is performed, but we're not perfect so if if seems like extra queries
> are being issues please create a ticket.
> > It makes sense to me to assume that if a resource has been persisted
> > and it's not dirty, then it's valid (assuming the validations have not
> > change).
> This makes sense.  We can be reasonably certain that anything pulled
> from the datastore is valid.  I think this should be the default
> behavior of dm-validations.
> One of the common problems we see is that a lazy attribute is
> validated, so DM lazy-loads attribute, and then validates it.  If
> there are several of these then each is loaded individually and
> validated.  If we make this change, then the already persisted
> attributes will be trusted and not lazy-loaded.
> > The question is tho, what do we do if the validations have
> > changed since the resource was persisted? I thought of #revalidate? as
> > an explicit way to say don't assume anything, just run the normal
> > validators.
> I think this is a valid concern, but we should also remember it is not
> as common as the problem you outline, so any decision we make should
> be weighted properly towards reducing unnecessary validation when we
> can.
> If someone makes their validation rules *more* strict, it really is a
> good idea to make a batch script that loads up all the existing
> records and ensures they are still valid, flagging those that need
> manual intervention to resolve.  It's in this case we should provide a
> way to override the default behavior, and force validation to always
> occur.
> > Talking with dkubb, it is apparent that custom validations should
> > never be skipped, as they could be anything. However, per-field
> > validations could be skipped if it can generally be assumed that the
> > field is valid based on the cleanliness of its resource, its persisted
> > state, and if it's loaded or not.
> > I vote that if it's clean and saved, then don't validate. And I also
> > vote for an explicit way to revalidate the resource. Also, I don't
> > think attributes on clean, saved resources should be lazy_loaded just
> > to validate them.
> Most of our per-attribute validation is things like testing a String
> is the valid length, or that a required value is not-nil.  I think we
> can skip performing these types of tests when the attribute is not
> dirty (which we can tell from Resource#attribute_dirty?).
> This will be especially good with uniqueness validation, because
> there's no need to test if something is unique if that's what already
> exists in the datastore.
> --
> Dan
> (dkubb)
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