Yeah, thanks Dan, that's what I'm after, I'd better move to edge asap!

On Nov 9, 8:10 pm, "Dan Kubb (dkubb)" <> wrote:
> George,
> > What the best syntax for finding all clients that share Trips with a
> > given client?
> It's difficult to test this without a stand-alone script, but
> something like this should work:
> class Client
>   has n, :tripClients
>   has n, :trips, :through => :tripClients
>   def fellowTravellers
>     model.all(:trips => trips) - [ self ]
>   end
> end
> This should return all the Client objects with the same trips,
> filtering out the current Client from the results.  If you are using
> edge dm-core this should produce a single query when run with a DO
> adapter.
> --
> Dan
> (dkubb)
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