Here it is straight from my irb (taking out some irrelevant

 ~ (0.000123) SELECT "id", ... FROM "characters" WHERE "id" = 1 ORDER
BY "id" LIMIT 1
=> #<Character @id=1 ... @location_id=1>
>> me.location.npcs
 ~ (0.000074) SELECT "id", ... FROM "locations" WHERE "id" = 1 ORDER
BY "id" LIMIT 1
 ~ (0.000095) SELECT "id", ... "location_id" FROM "npcs" WHERE
"location_id" = 1 ORDER BY "id"
=> [#<Npc @id=1 @name="npc1" ... @location_id=1>]
>> me.location.npcs.class
=> DataMapper::Associations::OneToMany::Collection
>> loc=Location.get(1)
 ~ (0.000733) SELECT "id" ... FROM "locations" WHERE "id" = 1 ORDER BY
"id" LIMIT 1
=> #<Location @id=1 ...>
>>>"new npc")
=> #<Npc @id=nil ... @location_id=nil>
>> loc.npcs<<npc
 ~ (0.000104) SELECT "id", ... "location_id" FROM "npcs" WHERE
"location_id" = 1 ORDER BY "id"
=> [#<Npc @id=1 @name="npc1" ... @location_id=1>, #<Npc @id=nil
@name="new npc" ... @location_id=1>]
 ~ (0.038374) INSERT INTO "npcs" ("name", ... "location_id") VALUES
('new npc', ... 1)
=> true
>> me.location.npcs
=> [#<Npc @id=1 @name="npc1" ... @location_id=1>]
>> me.location.npcs.size
=> 1
>> me.location.npcs.count
 ~ (0.000074) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "npcs" WHERE "location_id" = 1
=> 2
>> npc.location.characters
 ~ (0.000136) SELECT "id", ... "location_id" FROM "characters" WHERE
"location_id" = 1 ORDER BY "id"
=> [#<Character @id=1 ... @location_id=1 @player_id=1>]
>> npc.location.npcs.count
 ~ (0.000078) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "npcs" WHERE "location_id" = 1
=> 2
>> npc.location.npcs.size
=> 2

The real question I have here is why didn't DataMapper go back out to
the repository to when I said "me.location.npcs" below.  It did when I
asked for the count and it returned that correctly (obviously).

>> me.location.npcs
=> [#<Npc @id=1 @name="npc1" ... @location_id=1>]
>> me.location.npcs.size
=> 1
>> me.location.npcs.count
 ~ (0.000074) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "npcs" WHERE "location_id" = 1
=> 2

On Dec 29, 2:57 pm, RailinAndWailin <> wrote:
> In "char.location.npcs" the char object is trying to access the
> location's npc object collection (hence the plural form. the location
> class has n npc objects).
> irb does show that no SELECT query is geting run everytime I try to
> query that parent collection... when i exit out of irb and come back
> in i see the correct char.location.npcs.count (and members).
> The odd thing is that when I see this happen: char.location.npcs.size !
> = char.location.npcs.count and, of course, npc.location.npcs !=
> char.location.npcs (which they should, right?)
> On Dec 29, 12:57 pm, RailinAndWailin <> wrote:
> > I hope this isn't something I'm doing out of ignorance:
> > class Location
> > ...
> > has n, :characters
> > has n, :npcs
> > class Character
> > ..
> > belongs_to :location
> > class Npc
> > ...
> > belongs_to :location
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>loc.characters<<char
> > >>
> > >>char.location
> > =><#Location @id=1...>
> > >>char.location.npcs
> > =>[ ]
> > >>
> > >>loc.npcs<<npc
> > >>
> > Now, why does this happen? :
> > >>char.location.npc
> > =>[ ]
> > Still empty, even though:
> > >>npc.location
> > =><#Location @id=1...>
> > >>npc.location.characters
> > >>[<#Character @id ... >]
> > The thing that I notice is that whe i query the collection as
> > "char.location.npcs" I don't see a SQL query going out (as though its
> > looking at a chache), though when I "char.locatin.npcs.count" I get
> > the proper return as 1 (and a query going out).
> > help a noob understand?


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