I found myself today trying to do this, and failing:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'rubygems'
require 'dm-core'

DataMapper.setup(:default, "sqlite3://#{Dir.pwd}/page.sqlite3")

class Page
  include DataMapper::Resource

  property :id,         Serial    # primary serial key
  property :body,       String    # cannot be null
  property :derived1,    String

  after :save, :after_save

  def after_save
      if attribute_get(:derived1).nil?
        attribute_set(:derived1,body.to_s + ".db")
p = Page.new({ :body => "test123" })
p1 = Page.get(1)
puts p.inspect             # derived1 => body + .db
puts p1.inspect           # derived1 => nil

Initially, I was trying to make a field be a default of (item.id).to_s
+ "something", but this doesn't work with :default since attribute_get
isn't available to the class methods defining properties.  So I came
up with something equivalent to this, and fought it for a while.

I'm working around this now just fine--it was just a naive thing for
the first round of specs--but why does self.save not work in
after_save here?  If it's failing on purpose (which I can imagine,
given the risk of infinite recursion with poor programming), wouldn't
it be better to raise an exception than to silently, magically fail?
Perhaps at least not return true?

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