dm-adapter-simpledb is a DataMapper adapter for Amazon's SimpleDB
storage service.

Release notes:

== 1.4.0 2010-01-24

* Major enhancements:
  * Completely rewritten query generation engine queries supports
    arbitrarily deep nesting of complex AND/OR/NOT operators.  This means that
    code such as:

      Post.all(:title => "foo") | Post.all(:title => "bar", :body => "baz")

    will generate a SELECT statement similar to the following

      SELECT title from mydomain where title = "foo" OR ( title =
"bar" AND body = "baz" )

  * New query engine supports range and IN predicates to the extent possible on
    SimpleDB, including converting empty inclusion predicates to a form that
    SimpleDB can understand. Exclusive ranges e.g. (0...5) now raise a
    NotImplementedError instead of being silently flaky.

  * Support for native condition expressions, e.g.:

      Post.all(:conditions => 'title in "%banannas%"')

    This includes support for variable interpolation:

      Post.all(:conditions => ['title = ?', "foo"])


      post.all(:conditions => ['title = :title', {:title => "foo"}]

    Interpolated values will be quoted according to SimpleDB value quoting

  * Support for arbitrarily large limits. The concept of a query limit and a
    batch limit have been completely separated in this release. If the batch
    limit is set to 100 and a query is limited to 201 items, it will generate
    three selects: two with "LIMIT 100" and one with "LIMIT 1".

  * Vastly improved logging and benchmarking. For a given high-level operation,
    such as a DataMapper "read", the adapter can output:

    * Number of individual AWS calls made (e.g. individual SELECTs)
    * Aggregate AWS box usage
    * User CPU time
    * System CPU time
    * Wallclock time

* Minor enhancements:
  * Even better quoting. With the new SELECT translator in place, all domain
    names, attribute names, and values should be quoted properly according to
    SimpleDB rules.
  * No direct dependency on RightAws.  All operations are performed via SDBTools
  * New "batch_limit" option to configure the maximum results requested per
    SELECT call.  Amazon sets a cap of 250 on this value.

Avdi Grimm

Developer Blog:
The Lazy Faire:

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