
I just made a simple Sinatra application to fetch some information in
a very simple way.

@hosts = NagiosHosts.all

Where the class is just this:

class NagiosHosts
        include DataMapper::Resource
        storage_names[:default] = 'nagios_hosts'
        property :id, Serial, :field => 'host_id'
        property :display_name, String, :field => 'display_name'
        property :host_id, Serial, :field => 'host_object_id'

When running the application, I get no errors or warnings and I can
use this query sometimes but then kaputz something wrong appens and I
get an Abort like this:

resource.rb:660: [BUG] rb_gc_mark(): unknown data type 0x30
(0x14e0cb70) non object
ruby 1.8.7 (2009-12-24 patchlevel 248) [x86_64-linux], MBARI 0x6770,
Ruby Enterprise Edition 2010.01

I don't know if this is a RVM / ree 1.8.7 problem or dm-core problem.
Can some nice soul help me debug this :)

Thanks in advance,

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