oh, so that's what lazy loading is about!
my fault, didn't know. of course

puts ss.foo

works as intended.
good news is i've finally understood what lazy loading is.


On 9 Feb, 23:51, casual <kab...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I just tried that and don't have the problem. What dm-core version is
> this for?
> Also, 'ss = Stuff.get 1 # => #<Stuff @id=1 @foo=<not loaded>>' Is
> because the Yaml type is lazy loaded, so you can just set:
> <code>property  :foo, Yaml, :lazy => false</code>
> On Feb 9, 3:45 pm, fffact <fuffafact...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > hi all,
> > can't load property of type Yaml, like this:
> > require 'rubygems'
> > require 'dm-core'
> > require 'dm-types'
> > DataMapper.setup(:default, 'sqlite3::memory:')
> > class Stuff
> >   include DataMapper::Resource
> >   property  :id, Serial
> >   property  :foo, Yaml
> > end
> > Stuff.auto_migrate!
> > s = Stuff.create
> > s.foo = 'bar' # !> instance variable @field_types not initialized
> > s.save
> > ss = Stuff.get 1 # => #<Stuff @id=1 @foo=<not loaded>>
> > i really can't figure out what is wrong with this code, which seems
> > straightforward to me. can you help me?
> > thanks

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