I doubt that you could backport 10.2 changes since it was a pretty
major. Maybe you can outline the problems you are having upgrading to
10.2 and people here can help out? (there shouldn't be anything to
rewrite in your migrations for example)

On Feb 11, 10:13 am, Luke Galea <ldga...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> We have a bunch of sites running on DM 0.9.11, but we're experiencing
> a ton of memory leaks that have become a bigger issue as the sites
> have increased in popularity.
> The newest version of DM resolves all the memory leaks but we've found
> it unstable in other ways. I had to do a tremendous amount of monkey
> patching to get dm-migrations going in 0.10.2, and even that was the
> tip of the iceberg when I tried to get our specs passing so we
> abandoned that project for now.
> Anyway, long story short: I really need to figure out how to get the
> memory leak fixes backported into 0.9.11.. but all the tickets I've
> found re: memory leaks amount to "looks like we fixed it somewhere in
> between 0.9.11 and now".
> The big leak that would fix 90% of our issues is that in 0.9.11 if you
> have a "has n" association that is empty (ie. I have a profile who has
> 0 photos), every call to that association (ie. profile.photos.length)
> leaks memory.
> Does anyone have any clues to the fix for this?
> Thanks in advance!

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