wrap the association in the repository block:

class Person
  repository(:default) {
    has n, :comments

class Comment
   belongs_to :person

On Apr 10, 6:13 am, sivers <siv...@gmail.com> wrote:
> What's the best way to do "has n" and "belongs_to" associations
> between two classes that are using two different databases?
> My workaround hack, below, works for super-basic get, but it's so
> inelegant, it seems the brighter minds here must have a better
> solution.
> Any advice?
> #############################
> DataMapper.setup(:default, 'postgres://localhost/blog')
> DataMapper.setup(:people, 'postgres://localhost/people)
> class Person
>   include DataMapper::Resource
>   def self.default_repository_name
>     :people
>   end
>   property :id,         Serial
>   # has n, :comments
>   def comments
>     DataMapper.repository(:default) { Comment.all(:person_id => id) }
>   end
> end
> class Comment
>   include DataMapper::Resource
>   property :id,         Serial
>   property :person_id,  Integer, :required => true
>   # belongs_to :person
>   def person
>     DataMapper.repository(:people) { Person.get(person_id) }
>   end
> end

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