Hi folks

I'm building a sinatra app with DataMapper.

One of my models is misbehaving, but I can't figure out what is wrong.

Basically when I try to create a new Mission record, it refuses to save it, 
but does not give me any kind of error message to help me figure out why.

When I inspect the record/object, all the data I passed to the properties 
are there, but it doesn't create an @id(=nil) or @created_at(=nil), 
presumably because it will not create it :/

Any idea how I can draw out some more information?

Here's some info on the model:

class Mission
  include DataMapper::Resource
  property :id,         Serial    #auto-increment integer key
  property :numero,     Integer, :required => true
  property :nom,        String,  :required => true
  property :briefing,   Text,    :required => false, :default => "Pas de 
  property :debriefing, Text,    :required => false, :default => "Pas de 
  property :date_hist,  DateTime,:required => false
  property :created_at,  DateTime
  belongs_to :campagne

  has n, :flights
  has n, :avatars, :through => :flights

I use a seed script to create the record:

m1=Mission.first_or_create(:numero => 5,
                           :nom => 'La Belle Rouge',
                           :briefing => 'test',
                           :debriefing => 'test',
                           :date_hist => 1955)

here's what I get in the console when I run the seed script:

=> [#<Mission @id=nil @numero=5 @nom="La Belle Rouge" @briefing="test" 
@debriefing="test" @date_hist=1942 @created_at=nil @campagne_id=3 
@promotion_avatar_id=nil @promotion_grade_id=nil @reward_avatar_id=nil 

Is it something about the relationships that HAVE to be created first 
before I can create a Mission record?

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