Hey Everyone,

At the Meetup on Tuesday we discussed the following:


The team at NIC's Data.gov.in has been putting up a few datasets. Now they
have around 20.

There are a lot of community functions on the site. As a data-centric
community we really should be finding ways to give feedback and demand
datasets. I would like share the following google doc with the list of data
sets we have been requesting. I will be officially requesting the
government related ones on the request data forum.

We also have priority data we would like Pincodes being the biggest demand
and shapefiles being the next more asked for dataset. So please vote for
those sets here:

Also would anyone be interested in participating in some of their forums.
Specifically one about requesting data and discussing formats,
standardization, and data quality.

*India Water Portal Data Project*
I presented the work I'm doing at India Water Portal

The India Water Portal Data Project is looking at water data in India in a
systematic way the hopes to see what data is out there, who collects it,
what are the gaps, and how you can use data to build quality and
sustainable water projects and tell a more realistic story about the state
of water in India.

So we are looking at data from government, NGOs, and academics have to try
to get an idea of how to answer two big questions.

How much water do we have?
How much water do we need?

*How much do we have?*
India's water cycle is constricted to surface water which depends heavily
on the three months of monsoon rains, and groundwater.

So data around rain, reservoir levels, surface water, and groundwater
levels are essential to understand the supply we are working with. This
data is scattered, collected by many different agencies, and also is of
questionable quality.

*How much do we need?*
Demand for water is harder to understand. Metering of water use is not
widely used and not required by law. Real numbers of actual use are not
available but can be deduced from other proxy factors like energy use (for
pumps) and what kind of crops are grown.

The discussion then moved to the urban story of water. How you can check
for leaks and get demand information from apt administrators and houses
that use tankers.

One of the projects discussed was forming a home weather station network.
 India Water Portal is in the process of getting a weather station to live
stream data in Bangalore. Several people also want to make cheaper versions
of a weather station for homes that will also collect data. This network
could be a source of data that is more granular and there for more useful
for projects like rainwater harvesting.

If you are interested in working on the Weather network in Bangalore please
let me know.  I can connect you to Pavan and Sam Rajkumar.


Nisha Thompson
Mobile: 962-061-2245

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