Hi Justin:

Your sample dataset looks interesting. I compared the Karnataka sample with 
the one that Thejesh had uploaded (which was shared from our archive). In 
some ways the match /fit with physical features is better, but some village 
shapes seem totally different and perhaps oversimplified. Could do a 
detailed check later. But I don't see any village codes/names in the 
attribute table. Are they present? Or linkable somehow? To census 2011?

It would be good to know this source of India-wide village boundaries... or 
perhaps you could simply share the full dataset.... At this stage, more the 
merrier.... :-)


On Thursday, August 25, 2016 at 7:22:11 PM UTC+5:30, Justin Meyers wrote:
> Thej,
> Could you share the download links for the data?  The three village 
> datasets you created align close with Bhuvan data, but there is a shift.  I 
> believe there are a few different versions of villages that bhuvan uses and 
> WRIS.  Yesterday I found a whole new India village dataset - attached are 
> three samples.  Your Kerala data seems to be the best quality of the data 
> you have uploaded thus far.  At the end of the day, all this data must come 
> from the SOI.  I just wish it was easier to speak to them and have open and 
> transparent conversations about the benefit of sharing this data with the 
> people.  Right now we have to scrape data - trust names and codes.  The 
> data is old, outdated, shifted, and no-one knows.  No-one tells us anything 
> and we have to assume a nation wide dataset of villages, tehsils, etc is 
> correct. 
> Cheers 
> On Friday, August 19, 2016 at 7:27:12 AM UTC-4, Thejesh GN wrote:
>> 1. Thank you. I have added the same to reference section.
>> 2. I will write a python script to update geojson based on this. I will 
>> share once its done.
>> 3. In the meantime, we have added Karnataka maps. I am yet to clean 
>> things there (tasks: 
>> https://github.com/datameet/indian_village_boundaries/blob/master/ka/ka.md
>> )
>> 4. I am also working on the Bihar maps. We should have it by Monday. 
>> Thej
>> --
>> Thejesh GN *⏚* ತೇಜೇಶ್ ಜಿ.ಎನ್
>> http://thejeshgn.com
>> GPG ID :  0xBFFC8DD3C06DD6B0
>> On 19 August 2016 at 00:58, Craig Dsouza <craig...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Thej,
>>> the census codes lookup tables 2001-2011 are attached.
>>> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4-jbJK7OOmrckpCSkZWbnZOUFZydEFfdlM5eWd1dkR2Q29v
>>> Raphael on the group had shared them earlier.
>>> the original source is 
>>> https://egovstandards.gov.in/mapping_land_region_codification
>>> On Wednesday, August 17, 2016 at 9:28:10 PM UTC+5:30, Thejesh GN wrote:
>>>> @arun
>>>> Thank you
>>>> Couple of tasks:
>>>> 1. Enhance our list of references on readme.md  
>>>> https://github.com/datameet/indian_village_boundaries
>>>> It will help us as we work on the maps.
>>>> 2.  Adding CENSUS_CODE_2011 codes for villages. It can be derived 
>>>> from CENSUS_CODE_2001 codes. But needs work and validation.
>>>> Added contributing.md page 
>>>> https://github.com/datameet/indian_village_boundaries/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md
>>>> Thej
>>>> --
>>>> Thejesh GN *⏚* ತೇಜೇಶ್ ಜಿ.ಎನ್
>>>> http://thejeshgn.com
>>>> GPG ID :  0xBFFC8DD3C06DD6B0
>>>> On 17 August 2016 at 21:17, Arun Ganesh <arung...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Its amazing to see this move forward with DataMeet, thank you Nisha 
>>>>> and Thej for pushing this! Any immediate tasks with which others could 
>>>>> support?
>>>>> On Wed, Aug 17, 2016 at 5:58 PM, Nisha Thompson <ni...@datameet.org> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> @Sharad - To expand what Thej said:
>>>>>> Thej and I met with lawyers at Alternative Law Forum in Bangalore.
>>>>>> We discussed DataMeet, we are a community of people who believe in 
>>>>>> open data and share data with one another over the group. The data is 
>>>>>> usually government owned publicly available data that was procured 
>>>>>> through 
>>>>>> many methods but sometimes data owned by individuals (companies, 
>>>>>> researchers, students etc) are shared as well.
>>>>>> We met with them regarding the mapping data we hold. Currently 
>>>>>> DataMeet has the only publicly available Parliamentary and Assembly 
>>>>>> Constituency shapefiles for download under OBDL, as well as District, 
>>>>>> some 
>>>>>> ward maps and other isolated mapping information provided to us to 
>>>>>> maintain 
>>>>>> by the community.
>>>>>> When the community decided to start tackling the village files Thej 
>>>>>> and I were concerned about having that much mapping data available from 
>>>>>> government sources given the Survey of India's regulations regarding 
>>>>>> mapping information.
>>>>>> There is a lot of gray areas in the law and in the regulation. 
>>>>>> Basically we should be concerned with copyright violation but it is 
>>>>>> unlikely that they will go after you for that. It is important to create 
>>>>>> a 
>>>>>> sense of demand, then document the process of getting and processing the 
>>>>>> information and also that this information being shared is in the public 
>>>>>> interest. 
>>>>>> Copyright Law - Data is not technically copyrighted but the way it is 
>>>>>> stored and created is. Maps are creations and interpretations of data 
>>>>>> therefore a map is technically copyrighted. Making a copy of it and 
>>>>>> changing it's format from one to another is a gray area in copyright. 
>>>>>> (Some 
>>>>>> say yes some say no)
>>>>>> Mapping Policy - Only the Survey of India is allowed to map and 
>>>>>> distribute maps. However, they make a lot of partnerships with vendors 
>>>>>> and 
>>>>>> distributors for their maps. Again taking an official GOI and SOI map 
>>>>>> (Census, NIC village provided maps) and changing the format a gray area 
>>>>>> for 
>>>>>> copyright but whether the SOI considered it a violation of their 
>>>>>> distribution is another story. 
>>>>>> What it comes down to is our intent and how risk adverse we are. 
>>>>>> We are not very risk adverse and we believe in open data for public 
>>>>>> good, so we decided to move forward with the effort but proceed 
>>>>>> cautiously 
>>>>>> and deliberately.  
>>>>>> If the government asks us to take them down we will but we should be 
>>>>>> prepared to make the case for why they should provide the maps. 
>>>>>> We spent some time collecting demand information from people on why 
>>>>>> mapping information needs to be available and ideally in the open.
>>>>>> We articulated the need to have this information in the open and with 
>>>>>> the Save the Map campaign in full swing at the same time there has been 
>>>>>> a 
>>>>>> reasonable public conversation about the importance of mapping 
>>>>>> information 
>>>>>> be available, not restricted, and in the open.
>>>>>> We then looked at the states that already had PDF maps of their 
>>>>>> villages available and began to convert them, people contributed their 
>>>>>> individual efforts in converting maps and over the last several months 
>>>>>> managed to get the whole country in some form or the other.
>>>>>> Now we can finish processing them and get them out to the public.
>>>>>> This is an ongoing conversation and we will continue having the 
>>>>>> conversation with ALF and others so please send any questions.
>>>>>> Nisha
>>>>>> On Tue, Aug 16, 2016 at 4:30 PM, Arun Ganesh <arung...@gmail.com> 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Thej, if it helps, the OSM wiki probably has the most comprehensive 
>>>>>>> documentation of the varying boundary levels in India 
>>>>>>> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WikiProject_India/Boundaries
>>>>>>> Would be great to get some experts well versed the the governance 
>>>>>>> structure to take a look and provide feedback.
>>>>>>> On Tue, Aug 16, 2016 at 2:11 PM, Thejesh GN <i...@thejeshgn.com> 
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> @dev
>>>>>>>> I was planning to rename attributes because if someone converts 
>>>>>>>> these  geojsons  into shapefile then the name would remain same and 
>>>>>>>> reduce 
>>>>>>>> confusion.
>>>>>>>> What do you think? 
>>>>>>>> On Aug 16, 2016 1:49 PM, "Devdatta Tengshe" <devd...@tengshe.in> 
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> >i will rename the attributes so the length of attribute name is 
>>>>>>>> 8. Can you put an issue. Easy to track.
>>>>>>>> There is no need to do that. This is one of the limitations of the 
>>>>>>>> shapefile format, and we have no such limitations when we have a 
>>>>>>>> GeoJSON 
>>>>>>>> file.
>>>>>>>> > in census, they use subdistrict. Is it same as Taluk?
>>>>>>>> Pretty much. In different parts of the country, sub districts are 
>>>>>>>> called by different names. They can be called Taluk, Tehesil, Mandal, 
>>>>>>>> Blocs, etc, depending on where you are in the country. hence the 
>>>>>>>> Census 
>>>>>>>> came up with an Abstract name for them.
>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>> Devdatta
>>>>>>>> On Tue, Aug 16, 2016 at 12:22 PM, Thejesh GN <i...@thejeshgn.com> 
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> @arun: i will rename the attributes so the length of attribute 
>>>>>>>>> name is 8. Can you put an issue. Easy to track.
>>>>>>>>> @question:  in census, they use subdistrict. Is it same as Taluk? 
>>>>>>>>> Also anyone has 2001 to 2011 village code mappings?
>>>>>>>>> On Aug 15, 2016 9:32 PM, "Thejesh GN" <i...@thejeshgn.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On 15 August 2016 at 18:12, "Sharad Lele [शरच्चंद्र लेले]" <
>>>>>>>>> shara...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> For some reason, this email by Thejesh did not show up datameet 
>>>>>>>>>> (or maybe I just missed it?). So forwarding it to the group.
>>>>>>>>>> Thejesh, thanks for this. I have two queries:
>>>>>>>>>> 1. Is this effort different from the effort by Nisha? My 
>>>>>>>>>> impression was that we had (with the group) access to boundaries of 
>>>>>>>>>> many 
>>>>>>>>>> more states, but the issue was copyright etc, and that Nisha, you 
>>>>>>>>>> and some 
>>>>>>>>>> others were taking legal opinion on the same. Is what you have put 
>>>>>>>>>> out a 
>>>>>>>>>> result of that? What is the legal opinion?
>>>>>>>>> Its the same effort, This is going to be our single effort. In 
>>>>>>>>> this phase-1 we are going to publish boundaries of the villages for 
>>>>>>>>> states 
>>>>>>>>> which are derived from the government websites. We are applying our 
>>>>>>>>> license 
>>>>>>>>> - ODBL to the additional skilled and creative work our volunteers do, 
>>>>>>>>> designing, organizing, extracting, georeferencing, drawing missing 
>>>>>>>>> areas, 
>>>>>>>>> adding more attributes, cleaning etc and attribute/credit the source 
>>>>>>>>> (Govt 
>>>>>>>>> Website) for each state.
>>>>>>>>> I know there are more boundaries with complicated licenses. The 
>>>>>>>>> talks are still on, as of now we are not publishing them. we will 
>>>>>>>>> look at 
>>>>>>>>> them in phase-2. We will keep the list updated.
>>>>>>>>> So as of now its govt public data + DataMeet volunteer's creative 
>>>>>>>>> work.  
>>>>>>>>>> 2. I think I have asked this silly question on the group before, 
>>>>>>>>>> but have to ask it again: what is the 'json' format, and why is it 
>>>>>>>>>> better 
>>>>>>>>>> to put the data out in that format than in .shp? And how does one 
>>>>>>>>>> convert 
>>>>>>>>>> from json to .shp?
>>>>>>>>> Our boundaries are incomplete in some cases or might have errors. 
>>>>>>>>> Hence we are maintaining them in git similar to source code, where 
>>>>>>>>> any 
>>>>>>>>> changes to the file can be seen tracked and seen.
>>>>>>>>> geojson or json is a simple text format. Which can be opened by a 
>>>>>>>>> simple text editor and hence gives advantage to compare the versions, 
>>>>>>>>> do a 
>>>>>>>>> diff just like source code.
>>>>>>>>> Shape files are a format by ESRI is more like a binary format. Its 
>>>>>>>>> difficult to compare them on GitHub.
>>>>>>>>> I would suggest http://mapshaper.org/ (Its open source so you can 
>>>>>>>>> run internally if required) . You can convert between 
>>>>>>>>> Shapefiles/geojson/topojson. Work on them and export. I have attached 
>>>>>>>>> screenshots.
>>>>>>>>> I have been using it a lot and it has really great support for all 
>>>>>>>>> formats. I would suggest you to use http://mapshaper.org/ and let 
>>>>>>>>> the group know if you face any issues.
>>>>>>>>> Let me know if you have any more questions.
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>>>>>> Sharad
>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>>>>>> From: "Data{Meet}" <donot...@wordpress.com>
>>>>>>>>>> Date: 15 Aug 2016 10:27
>>>>>>>>>> Subject: [New post] Happy Independence Day and Open Indian 
>>>>>>>>>> Village Boundaries
>>>>>>>>>> To: <sbad...@atree.org>
>>>>>>>>>> Cc: 
>>>>>>>>>> Thejesh GN posted: "One of the longest and most passionately 
>>>>>>>>>> discussed subject on the Data{Meet} list is the availability of 
>>>>>>>>>> Indian 
>>>>>>>>>> Village Boundaries in Digital format. Search for Indian Village 
>>>>>>>>>> shape files 
>>>>>>>>>> and you can spend hours on reading interesting conversations. Over" 
>>>>>>>>>> New post on *Data{Meet}* 
>>>>>>>>>> <http://datameet.org/?author=1> Happy Independence Day and Open 
>>>>>>>>>> Indian Village Boundaries 
>>>>>>>>>> <http://datameet.org/2016/08/15/happy-independence-day-open-indian-village-boundaries/>
>>>>>>>>>>  by 
>>>>>>>>>> Thejesh GN <http://datameet.org/?author=1> 
>>>>>>>>>> One of the longest and most passionately discussed subject on the 
>>>>>>>>>> Data{Meet} list is the availability of Indian Village Boundaries in 
>>>>>>>>>> Digital 
>>>>>>>>>> format. Search for Indian Village shape files 
>>>>>>>>>> <https://groups.google.com/forum/#%21searchin/datameet/India$20Village$20boundaries$20%7Csort:relevance>
>>>>>>>>>> and you can spend hours on reading interesting conversations.
>>>>>>>>>> Over last two years different members of community have tried to 
>>>>>>>>>> digitize 
>>>>>>>>>> <https://groups.google.com/forum/#%21searchin/datameet/damle$20gujarat$20map%7Csort:relevance/datameet/zLP-eRtGxYY/FlQqBMriCAAJ>
>>>>>>>>>> the maps available through various government platforms or shared 
>>>>>>>>>> the maps through their organizations 
>>>>>>>>>> <https://groups.google.com/forum/#%21topic/datameet/dBNmEToJ5CI>. 
>>>>>>>>>> A look at the list discussion tells you that boundaries of at the 
>>>>>>>>>> least 75% of the states are available in various formats and 
>>>>>>>>>> quality. What 
>>>>>>>>>> we need at this point is a consolidate effort to bring them all on 
>>>>>>>>>> par in 
>>>>>>>>>> format, attributes and to some level quality. So some volunteers at 
>>>>>>>>>> Data{Meet} agreed to come together, clean up the available maps, add 
>>>>>>>>>> attributes, make them geojson and publish them on our GitHub 
>>>>>>>>>> repository 
>>>>>>>>>> called Indian Village Boundaries 
>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/datameet/indian_village_boundaries>.
>>>>>>>>>> Of course this will be an on going effort but we would love to 
>>>>>>>>>> reach a baseline (all states) by year end. As of now I have cleaned 
>>>>>>>>>> up and 
>>>>>>>>>> uploaded Gujarat. I have at the least 4 more states to go live by 
>>>>>>>>>> month 
>>>>>>>>>> end. Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Goa. I will announce them on 
>>>>>>>>>> the 
>>>>>>>>>> list as they go live. 
>>>>>>>>>> The boundaries are organized by state using state ISO code. All 
>>>>>>>>>> the village boundaries are available in geojson (WGS84, EPSG4326) 
>>>>>>>>>> format. 
>>>>>>>>>> The project page 
>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/datameet/indian_village_boundaries> gives 
>>>>>>>>>> you the status of the data as we clean and upload. Data is not 
>>>>>>>>>> perfect yet, 
>>>>>>>>>> there could many errors both in data and boundaries. You can 
>>>>>>>>>> contribute by 
>>>>>>>>>> sending the pull requests. Please use the census names when 
>>>>>>>>>> correcting the 
>>>>>>>>>> attributes and geojson for shapes and but please source them to an 
>>>>>>>>>> official 
>>>>>>>>>> source. 
>>>>>>>>>> Like everything else community creates. All map data will be 
>>>>>>>>>> available under Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL) 
>>>>>>>>>> <http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/>. This data is 
>>>>>>>>>> distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY 
>>>>>>>>>> WARRANTY; 
>>>>>>>>>> without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR 
>>>>>>>>>> A 
>>>>>>>>>> PARTICULAR PURPOSE. If you find issues we are more than happy to 
>>>>>>>>>> accept 
>>>>>>>>>> corrections but please source them to an official source.
>>>>>>>>>> On this 70th Independence day, as we celebrate the historic event 
>>>>>>>>>> of India becoming Free and Independent, Data{Meet} community 
>>>>>>>>>> celebrates by 
>>>>>>>>>> cleaning, formatting and digitizing our village boundaries. Have a 
>>>>>>>>>> great 
>>>>>>>>>> time using the maps and contributing back to society. 
>>>>>>>>>> *https://github.com/datameet/indian_village_boundaries 
>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/datameet/indian_village_boundaries> *
>>>>>>>>>> Picture: Kedarnath range behind the Kedarnath temple early 
>>>>>>>>>> morning. By Kaustabh, Available under CCBYSA 
>>>>>>>>>> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:KedarRange.jpg>.
>>>>>>>>>> *Thejesh GN <http://datameet.org/?author=1>* | August 15, 2016 
>>>>>>>>>> at 10:26 am | Tags: featured 
>>>>>>>>>> <http://datameet.org/?taxonomy=post_tag&term=featured>, Indian 
>>>>>>>>>> Village Maps 
>>>>>>>>>> <http://datameet.org/?taxonomy=post_tag&term=indian-village-maps>, 
>>>>>>>>>> Maps <http://datameet.org/?taxonomy=post_tag&term=maps>, open 
>>>>>>>>>> access <http://datameet.org/?taxonomy=post_tag&term=open-access>, 
>>>>>>>>>> open data <http://datameet.org/?taxonomy=post_tag&term=open-data> 
>>>>>>>>>> | Categories: Data 
>>>>>>>>>> <http://datameet.org/?taxonomy=category&term=data>, GIS 
>>>>>>>>>> <http://datameet.org/?taxonomy=category&term=gis>, map 
>>>>>>>>>> <http://datameet.org/?taxonomy=category&term=map>, mapping 
>>>>>>>>>> <http://datameet.org/?taxonomy=category&term=mapping>, Open Data 
>>>>>>>>>> India Watch 
>>>>>>>>>> <http://datameet.org/?taxonomy=category&term=open-data-india-watch> 
>>>>>>>>>> | URL: http://wp.me/p2Jc3f-FK 
>>>>>>>>>> Comment 
>>>>>>>>>> <http://datameet.org/2016/08/15/happy-independence-day-open-indian-village-boundaries/#respond>
>>>>>>>>>>    See all comments 
>>>>>>>>>> <http://datameet.org/2016/08/15/happy-independence-day-open-indian-village-boundaries/#comments>
>>>>>>>>>> Unsubscribe 
>>>>>>>>>> <https://subscribe.wordpress.com/?key=759ccfb810341ca9efa9a780b9fe8394&email=sbadiger%40atree.org&b=%3FYLa-XFv%3F%25vJ0QUf6BfLkuXJRbZFHuFIWVgC2oZjnp%7EanKnT%5Bo>
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>>>>>>>>>> *Trouble clicking?* Copy and paste this URL into your browser: 
>>>>>>>>>> http://datameet.org/2016/08/15/happy-independence-day-open-indian-village-boundaries/
>>>>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>>>>> Sharachchandra Lele
>>>>>>>>>> Senior Fellow & Convenor
>>>>>>>>>> Centre for Environment & Development
>>>>>>>>>> Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE)
>>>>>>>>>>                         Phone (office) (080)-2363-5555 ext. 317; 
>>>>>>>>>> (mob): +91-94800-15850
>>>>>>>>>>                         Email: sl...@atree.org   Skype ID: 
>>>>>>>>>> sharad_lele
>>>>>>>>>>                         Personal webpage: 
>>>>>>>>>> http://atree.org/sharad_lele
>>>>>>>>>> Postal address: Royal Enclave, Srirampura, Jakkur P.O.
>>>>>>>>>>                         Bangalore 560 064, INDIA
>>>>>>>>>> *President*, Indian Society for Ecological Economics (2014-16) (
>>>>>>>>>> www.ecoinsee.org) 
>>>>>>>>>> *Democratizing Forest Governance in India* 
>>>>>>>>>> <http://ukcatalogue.oup.com/product/9780198099123.do> (published 
>>>>>>>>>> Sept 2014)
>>>>>>>>>> (edited by Sharachchandra Lele and Ajit Menon)
>>>>>>>>>> Oxford University Press, India
>>>>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>>>>> Datameet is a community of Data Science enthusiasts in India. 
>>>>>>>>>> Know more about us by visiting http://datameet.org
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>>>>>>>>> Datameet is a community of Data Science enthusiasts in India. Know 
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>>>>>>>> Datameet is a community of Data Science enthusiasts in India. Know 
>>>>>>>> more about us by visiting http://datameet.org
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>>>>>>>> Datameet is a community of Data Science enthusiasts in India. Know 
>>>>>>>> more about us by visiting http://datameet.org
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>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>> Arun Ganesh 
>>>>>>> (planemad) <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Planemad>
>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>> Datameet is a community of Data Science enthusiasts in India. Know 
>>>>>>> more about us by visiting http://datameet.org
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>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>> Nisha Thompson
>>>>>> DataMeet.org
>>>>>> ni...@datameet.org
>>>>>> skype: nishaqt
>>>>>> mobile: 962-061-2245
>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>> Datameet is a community of Data Science enthusiasts in India. Know 
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>>>>> Arun Ganesh 
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>>>>> Datameet is a community of Data Science enthusiasts in India. Know 
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