Hi Jeff,
Were you able to find the pin code matching with assembly constituencies?

On Friday, 14 February 2014 22:39:02 UTC+5:30, Jeff Weaver wrote:
> Hi all, 
> Just came across this group, and excited to read about all the cool data 
> tasks that people are working on. I’m currently trying to link a dataset of 
> school data (DISE) to the MP/MLA constituencies (and eventually maybe 
> panchayats) in which they are located. Each school has its district, block, 
> village and PIN code listed. I was really hoping to connect it to assembly 
> constituencies using the PIN code data, and avoid doing any name-matching. 
> My plan was to use the GPS coordinates of PIN codes and then link them 
> using the GIS maps of constituencies. 
> However, I haven’t been able to find a large enough dataset on the GPS 
> coordinates of the pincodes. Does anyone know of a good public (or private) 
> source of this or have another suggestion for how to do this? I have the 
> dataset that someone in the group made using Open Street Maps, and it’s 
> great, but it doesn’t cover a lot of the pin codes (especially the rural 
> ones). Or are there companies that are willing to sell it for a reasonable 
> price?
> Thanks!

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