Just found out that there is a panchayat boundaries explorer on Bhuvan:
https://bhuvan-panchayat3.nrsc.gov.in/ . Only raster images, no vector

Even more interesting is that there is a graphql API that i spotted while
inspecting the network requests. Try out the following curl requests in the

List of districts in Assam (state code 18)

curl 'https://bhuvan-panchayat3.nrsc.gov.in/graphql' \
> -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
> --data-binary $'{"query":"query DistrictQuery($condition:
> DistrictCondition!) {allDistricts(orderBy: DTNAME_ASC, condition:
> $condition) { nodes { dtcode dtname
> }}}","variables":{"condition":{"stcode":"18"}}}'

List of blocks in Assam/Barpeta (state code 18, district code 303)

curl 'https://bhuvan-panchayat3.nrsc.gov.in/graphql' \
> -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
> --data-binary $'{"query":"query BlockQuery( $condition: BlockCondition!) {
> allBlocks(orderBy: BPNAME_ASC, condition: $condition) { nodes { bpcode
> bpname } }}","variables":{"condition":{"dtcode":"303","stcode":"18"}}}'

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