
I was looking for Uber movement data and noticed that they have recently 
removed it from the website. I wonder if someone has downloaded it for 
Indian cities and would be willing to share. 

I am a researcher at Harvard interested in urban mobility in India. Thanks!


On Monday, October 1, 2018 at 1:15:28 AM UTC-4 Srijoni Sen wrote:

> * Launch is on 9th October at Taj Vivanta MG Road at 2 pm. Data is a 
> powerful tool to help governments plan, analyze, and enhance mobility. For 
> long, there has been a lack of credible and meaningful data sharing among 
> industry and government in this sector.Towards bridging this gap, Uber is 
> launching a public dataset and website containing aggregated travel data 
> for Bengaluru, Karnataka - a first of its kind in this State and city. This 
> dataset called Movement <https://movement.uber.com/?lang=hi-IN>, is part of 
> Uber's campaign to enhance the nature and impact of policy making and 
> policy planning by supporting governments, academic institutions and the 
> general public in their effort to understand their city better 
> <https://movement.uber.com/explore/bangalore/travel-times/charts?lang=hi-IN&lat.=12.9258492584708&lng.=77.61168596500231&z.=11.186860088865364&si=82&ti=156&ag=wards&dt[tpb]=AM&dt[wd;]=1,2,3,4,5&dt[dr][sd]=2018-01-01&dt[dr][ed]=2018-01-31&cd[tpb]=AM&cd[wd;]=6,7&cd[dr][sd]=2018-01-01&cd[dr][ed]=2018-01-31&sa;=77.60134000000001,12.981258&sdn=Infantry%20Road,%20Shivaji%20Nagar,%20Bengaluru,%20Karnataka&ta;=77.6295647,12.9347173&tdn=Third%20Wave%20Coffee%20Roasters%20%7C%20Koramangala,%201%204th%20Block,%20984,%2080%20Feet%20Rd,%20Maharaja%20Signal,%20AVS%20Layout,%20Koramangala,%20Bengaluru,%20Karnataka>.
>  All 
> data available on Movement is under a creative commons license and can be 
> used and shared freely. Uber is planning a series of partnerships with 
> think tanks and government to ensure that there is frequent and effective 
> coordination on using and learning from Uber data to plan and enhance urban 
> mobility. The dataset for Delhi has been launched, in the presence of 
> Minister for Urban Development Shri Hardeep Puri 
> <https://www.google.co.in/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fegov.eletsonline.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2018%2F05%2FWhatsApp-Image-2018-05-28-at-3.00.33-PM-300x225.jpeg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fegov.eletsonline.com%2F2018%2F05%2Fdr-hardeep-singh-puri-launches-uber-movement-in-delhi%2F&docid=VZkBz4VZle9F4M&tbnid=Wgg2dGoAvNu7pM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwj1oufO2tzdAhXDP48KHZogALQQMwg9KAEwAQ..i&w=300&h=225&bih=723&biw=1095&q=Uber%20Movement%20Launch%20Delhi&ved=0ahUKEwj1oufO2tzdAhXDP48KHZogALQQMwg9KAEwAQ&iact=mrc&uact=8>.
> In Mumbai we announced the launch of UberMovement with a partnership with 
> Mumbai Police 
> <https://indianexpress.com/article/cities/mumbai/police-uber-tie-up-to-study-average-speed-of-city-traffic-5236364/>.
>  I 
> would like to extend a cordial invitation to you to attend the event. The 
> launch will be followed by a panel discussion on the topic: “Data-led 
> Policy Making, in the context of Bangalore’s Congestion”.We’re really 
> excited to bring this tool to Bengaluru and would love to celebrate this 
> moment with you. We would be grateful to have your presence at the event 
> and hear your thoughts on the ideas being discussed. Please also forward 
> this on to those who you think may find the event interesting.Please rsvp 
> on s...@uber.com*
> *Sowmya Rao*
> Head of Policy, South
> s...@uber.com | uber.com

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