I have shared this a few times here, but wanna share it again now that 
we're live. I am Akshay and for the past two years (and maybe longer) I've 
been building proto - it's a simple idea, but took some time to get built. 
Read on for more : 

*What's Proto?*

Proto is a map-content platform that combines real-time, user-generated 
data with community-rewards. Like youtube provides a place to share video 
content, we're building tools that let you create and share maps. Our app 
is phase one. And over the coming months we will release a web-editor and a 
sharing tool (like medium) for your content.

So we're on both app-store's and are now organizing map-a-thons across 
India (just did a few in Bangalore and Delhi, coming to Mumbai next) 

If you wanna get involved, and start mapping. Please download the app and  
join us on whatsapp!. 

iOS : https://apps.apple.com/us/app/proto-mapper/id6462873990
Android : 
Medium : https://medium.com/@proto-geo
Whatsapp Community : https://chat.whatsapp.com/BTTx1E2qEbkFYcNNtrvIWW
Mumbai Map-a-thon : https://lu.ma/b2rh6lpg

If any Datameet folks wanna learn more or just chat about this. I am 
obviously happy to do so. Feel free to email me! 


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