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Name: gagrilli
Subject: Cannot display search results

Trying to setup DPsearch for the first time, so this is probably some stupid 
mistake, but here it is..
Apache 2.2.9, MySQL 5.0.51b, Perl 5.10.0  , (just search.cgi no mod or searchd)
I Think I setup indexer.conf asper the instructions, but theindexerrefusesto 
index anything, unless I provide in the DBAddr command the ?socket parameter, 
pointing to my mysql.sock file. In this case I don't see how I could provide 
the desired dbmode in the same line..(?). With the ?socket=... parameter, the 
indexer runs succesfully, but my search turns up 0/0 results. I have set up a 
user, the tables get created, but no results. search.cgi gets called as I can 
see from my server logs, DNAddr in search.html is the same as in indexer.conf, 
I have cache disabled...
Any pointers to what might be wrong are welcome. 
Anything else I can provide, I am glad to
Thanks for the effort you put behind the project

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