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Name: dearste
Subject: Re: some Help for result listing

> At 12:50:02  20/10/08, Maxime wrote:
>The only way to influent result ordering directly is to disable PopRank 
>calculation, assign your own url.pop_rank values and then use &s=PR 
>CGI-parameter for sorting.
>Have you enabled the support for Crosswords ? 
>To do this, you need to put "Crosswords yes" command into both indexer.conf 
>and search.htm/searchd.conf files, add "crosswords" section into your 
>sections.conf file and reindex all pages with new settings. 

Thanks so much maxime.
I will try to add crosswords option.

in sample folder of dp release i have found this function:

 function clk(id,pos){(new 
Image()).src="/cgi-bin/c.pl?id="+id+"&pos="+pos;return true;}

What does it work?
c.pl is used for add more rank?
How can i do for implement this in my site?

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