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Name: alextan
Subject: Re: running 2 or more indexer

Hi Maxime

I'm confused with the documentation, if i have another indexer.conf 
(indexer-2.conf) file,, does it mean that it should contain the sames sites in 
the indexer.conf or the indexed data will be deleted?

example indexer.conf

Server http://site1/
Server http://site2/
Server http://site3/

indexer-2.conf should have
Server http://site1/
Server http://site2/
Server http://site3/
Server http://site4/

> At 16:11:52  05/10/08, Maxime wrote:
>Yes, it's possible to run two or more indexers simultaneously. You can pass 
>different config to the indexer via command line argument:
> /usr/local/dpsearch/sbin/indexer /usr/local/dpsearch/etc/indexer-2.conf
>As well you can run indexer with several indexing threads with -N x switch, 
>where x - the number of indexing threads running.

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