Six Secretsof Organized Moms By Beverly Frank A mom often wears many hats, taxi 
driver, cook, housekeeper,bread-winner, shoulder to cry on, and more. So, how 
does mom juggle it all?

The following are six secrets of organized moms to help make thingseasier:

1. Routines. Organized moms serve dinner at thesame time each night, have 
strict bed times, and have after school routines withhomework and socializing. 
If you want to be an organized mom, you have to have aroutine you stick to. 
This might mean that you get your child up at the sametime each day, and expect 
them to get dressed and make their bed before theycome in to breakfast. You may 
have a few different routines, such as yourmorning routine, you’re after school 
and evening routine, and your weekendroutine. A routine helps you, the mom, 
keep things on track, and helps yourchildren to know what to expect, and what 
is expected of them.

2.Meal plans. Organized moms do not spend extra time in.....................  

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