BodyCleanliness and Teens by Annie Margaret Thompson
Many parents struggle with their teens and proper bodycleanliness. Why is this 
so difficult when we show by example? Well for usparents it seems like it was 
just yesterday we were bathing them as infants andthen suddenly we find when 
they become teens at around age 11 or age 12 theydecide taking a shower or bath 
and brushing teeth is not as important as playingsports, watching television, 
gaming, etc.

Does this drive any of youparents of teens crazy? It does me, as I am a proud 
Mom and Parent of a teenageboy who is now 14 ½ years old. It seems like for the 
past couple of years, Igive my precious son daily reminders, that he needs to 
take a shower or bath andbrush his teeth. His response usually is I will do it 
in the morning beforeschool...................  Read Full StoryAt

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