- these are valid datetimes too:

    --10-11   # 10-11 current year
    2001-300   # 300th day of 2001

- there also week-day formats, periods, and fractional times.
- Yahoo group "ISO8601" has some good references.

- Flávio S. Glock
  see also: Date::Tie 

> there doesn't seem to be a module that takes datetimes as described by ISO
> 8601 (http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/iso-time.html) and converts them to a
> unix timestamp. several other modules came close, but are missing a few
> things.
> this module will provide a single function ToUnixTime
> (suggestions welcome on a better name) that converts datetimes like:
>   19951231T235959
>   2001-10-11T11:43:00,0
>   2002-07-14T22:34:59+00:00
> into unix timestamps.
> if a time offset is not present in the string, UTC is used. a different
> default timezone may be passed in as an argument like so:
>   DateTime::ISO::ToUnixTime($datetime, zone=>'EST5EDT')
> comments?
> thanks
> code follows below if you're interested in implementation:
> sub ToUnixTime ($@)
> {
>   my $date = shift || return;
>   my %args = @_;
>   my $zone = delete $args{zone} || 'UTC';
>   my @match = $date =~ m
>   {
>     ^
>     (\d\d\d\d)            # $1 = YYYY
>     -?
>     (\d\d)                # $2 = MM
>     -?
>     (\d\d)                # $3 = DD
>     [ T]
>     (\d\d)                # $4 = hh
>     (?:
>        :?
>        (\d\d)             # $5 = mm
>        (?:
>           :?
>           (\d\d)          # $6 = ss
>           (?:[.,]\d+)?    # fractions of seconds
>        )?
>     )?
>     (?:
>        ([+-]?\d\d)        # $7 = timezone hh
>        (?:
>           :?
>           (\d\d)          # $8 = timezone mm
>        )?
>        |
>        Z
>     )?
>     $
>   }x;
>   unless (@match)
>   {
>     $@ = 'unknow date format';
>     return;
>   }
>   my ($YYYY, $MM, $DD, $hh, $mm, $ss, $zhh, $zmm) = @match;
>   $mm ||= 0;
>   $ss ||= 0;
>   require Time::Local;
>   ## Time::Local croaks on bad values.
>   my $time = eval {
>     local $ENV{TZ} = $zone;
>     Time::Local::timelocal($ss, $mm, $hh, $DD, $MM-1, $YYYY-1900);
>   };
>   return if $@;
>   delete $ENV{TZ} unless $ENV{TZ};  ## local()izing leaves a "ghost" value.
>   ## Adjust for tz offset.
>   $time -= $zhh * 60 * 60 if $zhh;
>   $time -= $zmm * 60      if $zmm;
>   return $time;
> }

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