On Fri, 10 Jan 2003, dLux wrote:

> I disagree with this, because handling these things are not
> object-dependent, but context-dependent. I need to write a function,
> which handles dates in one way, but I don't want to force users of the
> module work dates like this.
> When I have a function, which prints to a web page, then I localize the
> $Class::Date::DATE_FORMAT, and it is used in "print" statements. It is
> not an object-attribute, because it belongs to the
> execution-context.

But plenty of other things may be per-object, like how to handle overflow
in date math.  And having it be per-object works just fine for your
example as well, whereas a global does not work very well.  Basically,
class/date attributes are flexible, globals are not.  Case closed.

>     > - exportable "datetime", "localdatetime", "gmdatetime" functions for
>     >   short-cuts of the constructors.
>     I like the way Time::Piece overrides localtime and gmtime.  I don't see a
>     need for a whole mess of exported functions, though, and I'm inclined to
>     export nothing by default.
> I afraid of this thing, because it can mess up with other parts of the
> code, but anyway in the newer versions it should be okay.

Like I said, I actually lean towards exporting _nothing_.  But I think I'd
prefer to offer overrides of localtime and gmtime, rather than functions
that are confusingly similar, like localdatetime.

>     > - Object for an invalid date
>     Can you explain why this is useful?
> When a date is invalid, then the program does not croak if it is
> referenced, and we can pass error-information in it. I won't tell it is
> a perfect solution, better way of handling invalid dates are welcome.

Can't this be done like this:

  my $new = $date1 + $date2;
  die "Invalid date math" unless defined $new;

What does having an invalid date object gain me over the above code?


House Absolute Consulting

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