On Fri, 7 Mar 2003, fglock wrote:

> An example, using a "monthly" recurrence:
>   # $set = 20030205 until 20030606
>   # $recurr_months = months, from -inf until inf
>   #
>   print $set->intersection( $recurr_months );
>   # output: 20030301, 20030401, 20030501, 20030601
> Although $recurr_months was defined as "start=>NEG_INFINITY",
> the equation solver inside Set::Infinite will substitute
> that for "start=>20030201". Otherwise it would not find
> an answer.
> The "20030201" value is found by applying a truncation on
> the 20030205 value.
> If you do not provide a "truncator", I have to disable the
> equation solver and the program will have to iterate from
> "start" to whatever date you need, even if that date
> is a million years later.

All this requires is that there be a DateTime->truncate method, not that
the iterator take one as a parameter.

The level of truncation needed can be calculated pretty easily.


House Absolute Consulting

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