On Sat, 15 Mar 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> By "multiple subclasses", do you mean
> DateTime::Set::Iterator, DateTime::Span::Iterator, SpanSet::Iterator ?

No, I was thinking more for internal implementation details like there
might be one iterator to handle user-provided callback recurrences, one
for some simpler format (like "day => 3, every => 'month'"), and so on.

> I don't think we need start/end parameters, because you could use a
> DateTime::Span for that purpose.

I'd hate to force the user to make an object just for the sole sake of
passing it into another method.  Too much structure code.

Anyway, the start and end aren't a span, per se, just two dates that can't
be exceeded.

> I'd use next/previous methods instead of a direction parameter (but I've
> never needed 'previous').

Well, I was thinking that if you had a set that was infinite in both
directions and you wanted an iterator, you'd have to say what direction it
iterates in.


House Absolute Consulting

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