The module is here:

It passes all tests, and it works with my old programs, too.

Rich Bowen wrote:
> I can put in this request if desired.

Right. I think it is better to continue this work under perl-date-time.

Implementation notes:

(ok, I should have discussed this on the list before starting the

- Most subs marked 'internal' are no longer used, and were removed.
Tests of internal functions were removed, too.
However, there are some functions that don't have tests, and are not
marked 'internal', such as offset_from_seconds(). I'm not sure what to
do in these cases, and I just left it as is, by now. 

- The "offset" attribute is local to Date::ICal. 
I don't know yet how to make it a DateTime attribute.

- The Date::ICal object is a hash:
    offset => date-ical offset,
    dt => datetime object

- Flavio S. Glock

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