On Tue, 1 Apr 2003, Rick Measham wrote:

> At 9:36 PM +0100 30/3/03, Richard Smith wrote:
> >I'm having some issues with DateTime and DateTime::Timezone. When
> >creating a timezone object with the timezone of Europe/London it
> >doesn't seem to think we're in DST, but we are, as of 1am this
> >morning. Anything else I've tried to do with it seems fine (the
> >offsets are correct for each zone), but that's throwing all my stuff
> >out by and hour (I'm just called is_dst to check whether we are or
> >not and it's returning 0).
> This makes me think .. should there be a way to 'force' a DST change?
> For example:
> $dst_on = DateTime->new([1am this morning]);
> $dt = DateTime->new(year=>xxxx, month=>xx, day=>xx,
> timezone=>'Europe/London', dst_on=>$dst_on, dst_off=>$dst_off);

This is much more complicated than you think, and the API would be nasty.

I don't think it's worth the trouble.


House Absolute Consulting

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