On Wed, 2 Apr 2003, Joshua Hoblitt wrote:

> - should it have a clone method?

Only if it has methods that can change the internal object state after
it's created, like DateTime.pm's set(), set_time_zone(), etc.

> - when from_object is used should the value for seconds returned by utc_rd_values be 
> stored then returned by the object itself?  This would allow chaining of calendars 
> without a loss of precision.

Yes, please do so.  I will add this to the calendar development docs.

> - what other methods would be useful?

Offhand, ->set(), ->add(), ->subtract(), accessors for each component
(baktun, katun, etc.)

> - can I have some suggestions for tests?

The tests you have so far look fine.  As you add more methods, add more
tests ;)

Why does from_object take a language parameter?  Cut and paste-o?  It's
not being used internally.

Also, according to Abigail's Data::Maya module, there are three possible
Mayan epochs.  Maybe this should be changeable on a per-object basis.


House Absolute Consulting

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