Abigail schreef:
> > Best would probably be te either use Mayan time (if it is known
> > (probably not)), or to implement 'our' time (complete with timezones
> > etc.).
> The latter, IMO, doesn't make any sense. "our" time certainly wasn't
> used by the Mayans.

There are a number of arguments in favour of using 'our' time:

1) The Mayan calendar (or at least, parts of it) is still used in
Guatemala and Mexico. I'm not sure, but I think they use our time system

2) If you want to use the Mayan calendar *now*, as a replacement for the
Gregorian calendar, you also need a time system. And 'our' system is the
only sensible candidate. (Unless the Mayan time system is known?)

3) If time zones are not implemented, it's hard to convert DateTime
objects into Mayan dates (and back). See my previous mail to Joshua for
an example.

> Furthermore, in the Maya era, "we" didn't even use
> "our" time. We were using some form of solar time, and that could be
> quite off from the time that was used 30 km further.

One of the things I would like to see is a DateTime::TimeZone::Local

    my $tz_utr = DateTime::TimeZone::Local( longitude => +5.1 );

.. or even ...

    my $tz_utr = DateTime::TimeZone::LocalRealSun( longitude => +5.1 );

> I haven't had an interest in porting my Date::Maya module to DateTime
> because mixing in some non-Mayan time concept (as opposed to dates) is,
> IMO, just plain wrong.

Yes, that is one good argument against using 'our' time.


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