Bruce Van Allen wrote:
> 1. This is one reason some us have argued for the
capability of caching 
> recurrence sets (which Flavio implemented!).

I'm not done yet - but I've got it started.

> Brad suggests another way 
> to accomplish this, which would have application in
some uses:
> > In any case, my suggestion is, for each calendar,
take a scalar where
> >   1) each bit represents a calendar day, starting
from some start date

This is Date::Calc approach, AFAIK.

> (and has a method to extend the 
> set if necessary).

Converting bit-arrays to/from DT::Set is easy.

> 2. Another aspect of business calendars concerns
contract and billing 
> periods, giving rise to 30-day months, discount
schedules, and the 
> like, many of which involve date-related terms of
trade. A while ago I 
> thought I'd get time to go through a bunch of
documents and make a list 
> of such commonly used items, but work grabbed all
my tuits.
> 3. A related area is work-time rules, covering pay
periods, breaks, 
> overtime, comp time, accrual of benefits, etc.
These are implemented 
> within firms and industries, so would benefit from
tools allowing 
> pre-construction of DT sets according to rule sets. 

I'm convinced that ICal is good
enough for handling this kind of data
descriptions: there are sources of ICal data
in the internet, and we already have a
parser (DT::Format::ICal).

- Flavio S. Glock

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