I'm having problems with RedHat 9. Now it could just be my install, but someone might be able to help me. I know this is offtopic, but the problem only reared it's head when installing DateTime. The problem is this: in shell, I can't type a quote without a seqeunce such as [quote][x][delete]. It seems that if I type [quote][e] I get an 'e' with an accute. [quote] seems to have become a meta key for accents and thus I get only the occasional quote in my Makefile. See below.

Does anyone have any idea what's going on? I just tested it in gEdit under X and I have exactly the same problem

The only place that it doesn't happen is in SSH, however the Makefile is still missing heaps of single-quotes.

How do I fix this?

Thanks anyone. Following is my original email where I was trying to track down a suspected problem with the DateTime installer. (DBI installed without any hiccups!)


Redhat 9 cannot determine if we have a C compiler and so tries defaulting to install PP Only.

When I first run 'perl Makefile.PL' I am told that this is because:

make: *** No rule to make target 'testub'. Stop.

This seems to be because we try to run (on line 34 of Makefile.PL)

system("$make text$Config{obj_ext}");

I checked $Config{obj_ext} at line 33 and it is 'ub' for some reason, however when I check in a one-liner, it's '.o'.

Now if I 'make test.o' from the command line, it compiles.

So, then I went into Makefile.PL and changed line 34 to

system("$make text.o");

and it writes the Makefile without any problems. However now when I 'make' I get another error:

Makefile:98: *** missing separator. Stop.

Which means that there's an error on line 98 of the Makefile. Line 97-99 is:


So the problem on line 98 would be the single quote. Where did THAT come from?

Now, I remove that and try again .. hang on, now I find that there are heaps of lines with single quotes. OK, I'm going to stop this and paste what seems to be the basic question at the top of this mail.

            There are 10 kinds of people:
  those that understand binary, and those that don't.
  The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck
    is the day they start selling vacuum cleaners
"Write a wise proverb and your name will live forever."
   -- Anonymous

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