On Mon, 2 Jun 2003, Hill, Ronald wrote:

> > ARGH!
> >
> > I give up.  Someone else is going to have to fix this on
> > Windows at this
> > point, or maybe I'll just disable these tests on Win32.
> >
> >
> > -dave
> Oh, Dave please don't give up. We need this for all Platforms
> Otherwise, modules that use recurences will fail horribly!
> (like mine). This is the reason I need to install the latest
> DateTime.pm module, So I can test my module.

I give up in the sense of "patches welcome", but I don't have any idea
what the problem is, so it's going to take someone who actually
understands Windows to fix this.

> I can't even get it to work on HPUX :(

Try removing the "ifdef _HPUX_SOURCE" part entirely.


House Absolute Consulting

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