On Mon, 2 Jun 2003, Ben Bennett wrote:

> 2) What is the overlap between DateTime::Format::Builder and
>    DateTime::Format::Strptime?  Which is preferred?

Yeah, I'd like to know too.

> 4) Wasn't this [the DateTime constructor croaking on bad dates] going
>    to be overridable?

Not unless someone shows me a use case for it that can't be easily solved
some other way.

> 6) Is there something equivalent for two days from the end of the
>    month?  Should there be?  Perhaps the flag should say whether the
>    start or end of the month offset is what matters... [In
>    DateTime::Duration]

 my $dt = DateTime->last_day_of_month( year => 1999, month => 2 )->subtract( days => 2 

> 7) Do Sets constructed from explicit dates always get sorted?

This question doesn't make sense.  Sets are explicitly not an ordered
entity.  You're thinking of lists, which a set can be turned into.

> 8) Should DateTime::Set have a way to add an more explicit dates
>    without having to make a new set and union it in?

You can do "$set->union($dt_object)".  I suppose allowing multiple
arguments would make sense too.

> 9) Do we need a DateTime::Set clone method (ditto span, etc.)?

It doesn't hurt.

> 10) Did we ever work out how to attatch information to a date from a
>     set? [I remember a proposal floating about, I will have to look at
>     the archives]

No, I think this needs to be some sort of DT::Set extension.

> 11) Are we going to return an object for +/-inf or will it always be a
>     string? [I remember some discussion here, how did it turn out?]

It's not a string right now, it's a number that stringifies in various
ways.  Returning an object might be better.

> 13) How do I set a time zone on a set? (and span and spanset)

You can't.  That doesn't make sense.  Set it on the objects you feed into


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