Hi John,


> Specifically, the first failure is this block:
> > {
> >     my $dt = DateTime->from_epoch( epoch => -2082844800 ); 
> #fails here
> >     is( $dt->year, 1904, 'year should be 1904' );
> >     is( $dt->month,   1, 'month should be 1904' );
> >     is( $dt->day,     1, 'day should be 1904' );
> > }
> which fails because this code in from_epoch():
> >     @args{ qw( second minute hour day month year ) } =
> >         ( gmtime( delete $p{epoch} ) )[ 0..5 ];
> does not, in fact initialize anything in the %args hash:
> > %args = (
> >           "month" => undef,
> >           "day" => undef,
> >           "minute" => undef,
> >           "year" => undef,
> >           "hour" => undef,
> >           "second" => undef
> >         );
> Apparently M$loth's implementation of gmtime() doesn't 
> support negative numbers 
> _at all_:

yep!! I just figured that out myself with this:
use warnings;
use strict;
use diagnostics;
use Time::Local;

my $time = timegm(1,1,1,1,1,1969);
print $time ."\n";

my $now = gmtime($time) or die"$?";
#my $now = gmtime(-2082844800) or die"$@";
print $now;

fails horrably on windows :(
I posted this on CLPM maybe someone has something on this.

> D:\working\DateTime-0.12>perl -e "print '<'.scalar gmtime(1).'>'"
> <Thu Jan  1 00:00:01 1970>
> D:\working\DateTime-0.12>perl -e "print '<'.scalar gmtime(-1).'>'"
> <>
> even though time_t is defined as a long integer (not unsigned long):
> http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-


Anyone up to creating a POSIX compliant gmtime() out of whole cloth for the
souls running Win32???  I guess that could be included in Time::Local...

Outch !!

Ron Hill

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