> FAQ answers should answer more questions then they generate,
> but two obvious questions leap out of that code...
> 1. Why is set_time_zone() needed for this DateTime example?

Good point - that should be added to the description.

> 2. Why use DateTime::Format::*MySQL* when the code may have nothing
>    to do with MySQL, it just happens to use the same, very common, format?

It is a mySQL time format.

> I do think there should be a DateTime::Format::Common with a
> parse_datetime() that can handle common _unambiguous_ numeric formats.
> A single regex could handle all formats that follow the ISO 8601
> general left-to-right decreasing resolution style, with assorted
> optional punctuation, plus optional appended TZ.

Months ago I looked stealing the Date::Manip parser and decided to save that for a 
very rainy day. :)  I did start to implement all of ISO8601 with DT::F::Builder but I 
haven't worked on it since April.  Instead of a single large regex I'm going the many 
small regexs route.  The problem is the ISO8601 defines a lot of unusual date formats 
- although releasing something with only partial compliance shouldn't be too hard.

I'll try to get something into the workable state and release it later this week.



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