> Ugh, the fractional_second parameter must go.  The docs for it are all
> wrong, and what it's actually doing is _really_ odd.

Sounds reasonable.

> Anyway, I _really_ don't like having mututally exclusive, but overlapping,
> constructor parameters.  This makes for hard-to-read docs.  Ideally, each
> parameter is unique, and falls into the category of required, "has
> default", or optional.
> I said a _wrapper_ was overkill because you could just as easily write
> something like:
>  micro_as_nano { $_[0] * 1000 }
>  milli_as_nano { $_[0] * 1000000 }
> and then do:
>  DateTime->new( ..., nanosecond => milli_as_nano(500) )
> Isn't that simpler?  Is there any need to wrap all the DateTime
> constructors?  No, obviously not.  It's two one-liner exported functions
> that are mere syntactic sugar!

Ya - too bad there aren't isn't any preprocessor other then source filters.  I don't 
like writing structural code over and over again.



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