On this significant date of Friday 13th :-) I'd like to announce that I've
made Debian packages for some of the DateTime modules (and some which were
needed as dependencies) which you might find handy if you use this

In the chart below, the first column is the Module name, the second is the
version, the third is the .deb package name, and the fourth contains W if
there is a package for the woody (stable) distribution or S if there is
one for sarge/sid (testing/unstable) distributions.

Attribute::Handlers      0.77 libattribute-handlers-perl     W
Class::Factory::Util     1.4  libclass-factory-util-perl     WS
Class::Singleton         1.03 libclass-singleton-perl        W
DateTime::Event::Sunrise 0.04 libdatetime-event-sunrise-perl WS
DateTime::LeapSecond     0.02 libdatetime-leapsecond-perl    WS
DateTime                 0.12 libdatetime-perl               WS
DateTime::Set            0.08 libdatetime-set-perl           WS
DateTime::TimeZone       0.18 libdatetime-timezone-perl      WS
Params::validate         0.59 libparams-validate-perl        W
Set::Infinite            0.49 libset-infinite-perl           WS

The best way to get these .debs is to add the following lines to your

for woody:

deb http://src.braincells.com/debian woody/
deb-src http://src.braincells.com/debian woody/

for sarge or sid:

deb http://src.braincells.com/debian sid/
deb-src http://src.braincells.com/debian sid/

then doing apt-get update; apt-get install <packagename>

I made these to support my work on DateTime modules for Hindu calendars
(which incidently are stalled as I research Sanskrit texts) but
unfortunately I don't have the time to maintain them in Debian itself but
if there are any Debian maintainers or prospective maintainers who would
like to take them overi'd be happy to help.

I hope to see some of you at the BOF at YAPC and we can discuss this then
if you like.

Jaldhar H. Vyas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
It's a girl! See the pictures - http://www.braincells.com/shailaja/

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