Eugene van der Pijll wrote:
I can't think of a good solution for this. I will at least add a
Math::BigInt prereq to MakeFile.PL, but if I include the latest version
(1.64), it won't build because of the missing file; if I leave out the
latest version, people with v1.64 installed will be annoyed...

Have you informed Tels that the CPAN version is missing a file? I helped him (or more like prodded him repeatedly) develop the newer M::BI.

And all that won't help the 5.00503 users, who can't install the new

I don't remember Tels deciding to abandon the 5.005_03 users. I seriously doubt he did so, since the whole point of updating M::BI on CPAN was to permit everyone to be on the same page. What exactly breaks?


John Peacock
Director of Information Research and Technology
Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group
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