Bruce Van Allen schreef:
> I think the conclusion is _not_ to consider something like 2003-06 as
> a span.


> From a string in the form YYYYMM, the DT::F::ISO8601 parser
> should return a DT object identical to the DateTime object
> instantiated from 
> $dt = DateTime->new(
>          year   => 2003,
>          month  => 6.
>       );


Let me show you a couple of ISO8601 time intervals, and my
interpretation of them:

Tomorrow, I have a meeting on "2003-06-22T15/17". I would expect this
meeting to start at 15:00:00, and to end at 17:00:00. That is, both
start and end times are rounded down.

This year, the Tour de France is "2003-07-05/2003-07-27". Cyclist
shouldn't expect to go shopping in Paris on the 27th, as they will be
busy until late that day (besides, it's a Sunday and the shops will be
closed). The best interpretation of that end date is something like
2003-07-27T23:59:59 or 2003-07-28T00:00:00. That is, end date is rounded
up (and the start date is rounded down).

Julius Ceasar lived "-0099/-0043". The starting date should here be
interpreted as "somewhere in 100BC, and the end date should be
interpreted as "the ides of March 44BC". Setting both to Jan 1st would
be simply wrong.


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