* Joshua Hoblitt ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [25 Jun 2003 19:51]:
> Jaw drops...

> > Your wish is my small patch.

> I seem to have stumbled onto a new programming paradigm. I
> partially think through half baked design concepts then
> Iain not only throughly cooks my ideas he writes all the
> code. This is called Extreme Spoon Programming (xSp) -
> look for my upcoming book on this revolutionary technique.

Consider yourself lucky =) I tend to flit from project to
project, depending on what I feel like. Today I've felt like
doing Builder stuff.

> > I was briefly contemplating having it so that Builder
> > (or, rather, an API clone of Builder with almost
> > completely different innards) would produce actual code
> > that one could save, thus eliminating the need for the
> > average user to have Builder installed.

> That sounds almost like writing a compiler that emits perl
> code... :)

Exactly that. Technically possible, but too irritating to
think about right now, and just not worth it. It's not as if
the Builder setup time is excessively long.

> > But it proved too much for my tortured brain. I think
> > the current situation works well enough.

> Mine too.  But maybe Simon would say it's cool.

I hope so.

> > Now try writing tests.

> Uhhh - I'll move my ISO8601 code to the new features. :)

If you feel the interfaces need a tweak, particularly to
Dispatch, give a yell. I won't be releasing Builder with
Dispatch onto CPAN until I see how it's being used. Just to
make sure I've got the API reasonable.

I don't want to be stuck with things like the 'regex'
instead of 'Regex' and 'strptime' instead of 'Strptime'
(though I don't really mind the strptime one as it's
reasonable unique anyway).


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