On Mon, Jul 14, 2003 at 11:39:37PM -0500, Dave Rolsky wrote:
> On Mon, 14 Jul 2003, Ben Bennett wrote:
> > Which leads to my problem, there appears to be no simple way to get
> > the date order to differentiate m/d/y from d/m/y.  I can look at the
> > time formats and try to work it out, but that seems a bit dodgy if you
> > ever change the parser, plus I assume that I am not the only person
> > who will want to know that.  So could we break it out as an explicit
> > method?
> We'd have to look at the _actual_ format strings to do this, but it's
> certainly possible.

Ok, I will play around with this and see if all of the locales have
understandable short forms.

> > Also the start of week infomation (and the weekend start and end) seem
> > pretty useful for the financial stuff.  Would it be reasonable to add
> > them to the Locale objects?
> Probably.

Cool, I may add that in the future if needed.


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