On Fri, 9 Aug 2003, Rick Measham wrote:

> On Sat, 2003-08-09 at 06:55, Dave Rolsky wrote:
> > So what I think we really want is this:
> >
> >   my $Wrapper = DT::Wrapper->wrapper( [$class1, $class2, $class3] );
> Maybe my approach has some holes, but have a look at the attached and
> see what you think ...

The big hole is that you set @ISA when you create the decorator, but what
if someone creates two _different_ decorators?  In that case you've just
broken the first one you made.

Also, we want to be able to use SUPER::foo inside the decorating classes.
For example, Josh's DT::Cache will obviously need to call it's parent's
new() method.

This means that we can't just use multiple inheritance, but instead we
need to create an actual chain of inheritance.


House Absolute Consulting

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