On Sat, 9 Aug 2003, Joshua Hoblitt wrote:

> I'm getting this failure from the CPAN dist and when I parse the Olson files myself. 
>  Since 0.25 installed for me without errors at some point in the past I'm assuming 
> that this failure is being caused by a recent release of DT.  Can anyone reproduce 
> this?
>     # This is to check a bug in DT::TZ::_span_for_datetime, where it
>     # was always looking at the LOCAL_END of the current max_span.
>     #
>     # Australia/Sydney's max_span (before generation) has a LOCAL_END
>     # of 63518522400 and UTC_END of 63518486400.  The values above
>     # create a utc_rd_seconds value that is after the UTC_END but
>     # before the LOCAL_END.
>     my $dt = DateTime->from_object( object => TestHack->new );
>     eval { $dt->set_time_zone( 'Australia/Sydney' ) };
>     ok( ! $@, 'should be able to set time zone' );
> 161 ok( $dt->is_dst, 'is_dst should be true' );

DateTime.pm now sets the time zone to floating when it creates an object
in the from_object() method.  I think it used to be UTC.  I'll release a
new DT::TZ to handle this.


House Absolute Consulting

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