[ moved onto the datetime list ]

On Thu, 21 Aug 2003, Guest via RT wrote:

> This message about DateTime was sent to you by guest <> via rt.cpan.org
> Full context and any attached attachments can be found at:
> <URL: https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=3303 >
> The test t/infinite20.t (DateTime-1601 with perl 5.8.0) failed at line 53 and then 
> at line 61 (certainly because of the first failure). I added a debug line after line 
> 53:
>     print STDERR 
> "\nlong_ago=",$long_ago->ymd,"\nneg_dur=",$neg_dur->deltas,"\nneg2=",$neg2->ymd,"\nneg=",$neg->ymd,"\n\n";
> and I get the following output:
> t/20infinite............ok 8/40
> long_ago=-100000-01-01
> neg_dur=months0days-infminutes0secondsnannanoseconds-inf
> neg2=-0001--01--01
> neg=-2147483648--2147483648--2147483648
> There is certainly a misinterpretation of -infinite time, is negative enough or 
> should it be -inf--inf--inf ?

It should ben -inf for all values.  Can you respond with the output of
"perl -V"?


House Absolute Consulting

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