Hi Syamala,

> Here is a simple solution (unless you  are bent on doing
> it in a longer way using the class in ref.)

The project I have started on is using DateTime for other things, so I 
figured I would use it here as well. Besides I don't think what I 
wrote is doing it the long way, granted I did screw up by passing
in params to a method that was ignoring it. But I still got
what I wanted. 

> sub jan1{
>  my $y =  shift;
>  my $m = 1; $d = 1;
why is that there? and I don't understand why you set $m to 1
and then set it to 11?

>  $m = 11; $y--;
>  my $c = int($y / 100); $yy = $y %100;
>  my $z = ( 1 + $yy + int($yy/4) + int($c/4) - 2*$c) % 7;
>  $z += 7 if $z < 0;
>  return $z;   # 0 ==> Sun day.  6 ==> Sat. day.
>sub sundays{
> my $year = shift;
> my $j1st = jan1($year);
> return 53 if $j1st == 0 || ($j1st == 6 && jan1($year+1) == 1);
>        return 52;

Ron Hill

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