On Sat, 4 Oct 2003, David Hood wrote:

> > 0.04   2003-10-03
> >
> > - The documentation incorrectly showed the DateTime::Locale->register
> > method as taking an array, rather than an array of hash references.
> > Reported by David Hood.
> >
> The documentation is still incorrect, using the example given in the
> documentation I get:
>   Not an ARRAY reference at
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/DateTime/Locale.pm line 35.

No, this time it's a code bug ;)

> This seems like a lot of extra work for a single locale, is there a reason
> why named arguments aren't allowed when registering only one locale?

You should able to just pass hashref.


House Absolute Consulting

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