On Sat, 1 Nov 2003, Iain Truskett wrote:

> This any use?
> perl -MDateTime::Format=Mail -wle 'print DateTime->now->format_mail'
> Sat, 01 Nov 2003 06:34:12 -0000
> % perl -MDateTime::Format=HTTP -wle 'print DateTime->now->format_http'
> Sat, 01 Nov 2003 06:34:23 GMT
> % perl -MDateTime::Format=ICal -wle 'print DateTime->now->format_ical'
> 20031101T063430Z
> % perl -MDateTime::Format=Pg -wle 'print DateTime->now->format_pg'
> 2003-11-01 06:34:35+0000

I suggested this way, way, way back when this project first started, and a
lot of people really objected to polluting the main DateTime namespace
like this, and I kind of see their point, even though it is darn

I think releasing this as a separate module is reasonable, with
appropriate caveats in the docs.


House Absolute Consulting

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