On Tue, 11 Nov 2003, Max Maischein wrote:

> I saw in the CHANGES file that you added some other delta_* methods, but
> didn't find them in the documentation, so I don't know about these, and
> was too lazy to delve into the source for this :-)

These are for DateTime objects.  I'm now regretting the fact that both
classes have delta_* methods.  Sigh ...

> I wrote a test file that shows some ugly bugs when dealing with my naive
> comparision, most notably that ($dt-$dt)->is_zero() is false. I don't
> know why you implemented is_zero() that way, so I can't propose any good
> change. My approach would be to make is_zero() not only check the sign
> but also check whether all values are zero.

Yeah, the is_* bits for durations are all screwed up.  I'm considering
removing them, because I'm not sure we can fix them and still do
interesting thing with durations.

> DateTime::Duration problems on the mailing list, but I saw that you
> considered removing the comparision operators completely from
> DateTime::Duration - I think this would be bad, but I only ended up

DateTime::Duration has never had comparison methods or overloading, so
this would be difficult to remove ;)

> looking at DateTime::Duration, as I could not find an easy way to look
> at two DateTime objects and find out which one was later, as comparision
> for those also isn't implemented (or, once again, I'm too stupid to read
> the docs properly).

Now I'm really confused.  DateTime.pm objects have _always_ had a compare
method, plus they overload comparison operators.


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